Cazz Lander Joins The Loco Race Team

Cazz Lander paddling Loco iSUP

Cazz Lander Joins The Loco Race Team

Cazz Lander Joins The Loco Race Team - You know you’re doing something right as a brand when you have a double world record holder get in touch about racing for you.  What a refreshing change to the usual circus of trying to secure race talent where board discount and free stuff seems to ultimately rule who rides what.

We thought we’d catch up with Cazz for a quick interview to find out a bit more about her and her plans for the 2019 SUP season:

So when and where did your love of all things water begin? 

I was born in Cornwall, spent the first few years of my life growing up by the sea and both of my parents were in the Navy, so I guess I was destined to end up on the water! We moved away from Cornwall due to my parents jobs but ended up by the Thames which became my new playground. I was incredibly fortunate to live near Bray Lake Watersports Centre and spent my teenage years volunteering there in return for kayaking, canoeing, sailing and windsurfing coaching eventually leading to instructor qualifications.

What have you achieved to date and tell us a little bit more about becoming a double world record holder? 

I’ve spent the last few years taking on different endurance challenges including three 100km Ultra Marathons and two English Channel relay swims, one of which we were awarded the Dover Straits award for the fastest standard relay crossing of the year. I took the adventure a step further in 2018 and formed a crew to row 2400 miles unsupported across the Pacific Ocean. We had a 7m rowing boat with no engine, had to carry all the kit and food we needed for months at sea and ended up rowing through two hurricanes. Together with my two crewmates we rowed for 62 days, 18 hours and 36 minutes, setting two world records for the first crew of three (male or female) to row the Pacific Ocean and the youngest crew of three to row any of the world’s oceans. It was the most incredibly humbling and amazing adventure.

So what’s turned you onto SUP racing and what are your goals for 2019?

I’ve always loved SUP and have been wanting to get involved in the race scene for the past few years but training and planning for adventures has always got in the way. I’ve kept a clear diary for 2019 so I can fully commit and can’t wait to turn what has always been one of my favourite ways to explore the coastlines or waterways at home or on holiday into my main focus. I’m planning to enter a number of races around the UK and hopefully the 11 cities SUP race in Holland in September 2019! Of course a podium at races is always the goal so I’ll be training hard over the winter to try and make that a reality.

Obviously you take health and fitness seriously, so what’s a typical week look like for you?

I train 5 times a week before work at NPC Fitness, usually doing predominantly body weight, low weight and/or cardio sessions. I then do a second training session 4-5 times a week in the evening at my local Crossfit gym which usually consists of half an hour focusing on technique and/or accessory work followed by one of two WODs. Alongside this I obviously try to get out on the board as much as I can and fit in at least one long run or swim. I try to make sure I have one full rest day a week which is important for recovery and that I eat well to keep my body fuelled and able to perform at a high level. Since coming back from the row I’ve been on a staged return to full exercise due to decreased bone density and extended calorie deficit which was a side effect of spending so long at sea so it’s been a frustrating few months having to take things slowly but it’s been important to try and limit any injuries. This winter for me is all about rebuilding up my strength and fitness and working on technique so I’m in a good shape for the beginning of the 2019 season.

 We understand you work with Team GB. How did that come about and how does that help you with your own conditioning?

I work in Sport Science, specialising in Athlete Health Intelligence, with the English Institute of Sport who provide Sport Science and Medicine services for many of the Olympic and Paralympic teams. I have a BSc in Sport and Exercise Science from Loughborough University, a MSc in Dance Science and was fortunate enough to travel to the 2016 Rio Olympics with Team GB as part of the Sport Science and Medicine Team. It definitely helps having a sport science background when planning my own training and I’m fortunate enough to work with and be able to ask advice from some of the best practitioners in the country if I need some help or advice on part of my training programmes!   

Who’s your biggest inspiration within SUP and why?

I love following all the pro’s on social media – especially the women as they travel around the world competing on the SUP circuit.  There’s been some pretty awesome races this year and I’ve definitely been inspired by the likes of Seychelle, Yuka Sato, Annabel Anderson and Candice Appleby – there determination, fitness levels, battles to put women on an equal standing with men and all around athleticism really inspires me to work hard and train hard.

What motivates you day to day?

I’m really really bad at just sitting still and love having something to work towards. Completing the row across the Pacific pushed me to places I didn’t know I was capable of and I’m now really excited to see how much further I can push myself and how fast I can get. There is always something to work on, whether it be technique/fitness/strength and I use that to try and get a bit better every day!

 So what lead you to representing Loco and which boards and accessories will you be using for the coming season?

I love that Loco is a British brand, make really good high quality boards, are super friendly and always willing to give advice on kit! This season I’m paddling the 12’6 iSup which is perfect for exploring on weekend mini adventures as I can stick it in the back of my car or on my back and get to off the beaten track places really easily! I’ll be racing on the new 14’ race board and using the Loco carbon race paddle and can’t wait to go fast!

So apart from the racing and endurance aspects of SUP does anything else interest you?  I know we’re starting to see lots of surfers try their hand at racing and vice versa thanks for athletes like Casper. Mo and home-grown talent like Aaron and Marie. 

I’d love to give surfing a go but am a complete beginner. I do a lot of wakeboarding and snowboarding and have a windsurfing background so I’d like to think I wouldn’t be too bad at it and would pick it up reasonably quickly! I’m always up for trying anything so I’m sure I’ll end up on a surf board at some point in the near future!!

 So when you’re not training and breaking records what do you like to do for fun? 

Wakeboarding, snowboarding, swimming, running, climbing… usually something active and if possible outdoors!! My boyfriend Gareth and I have spent the last few years disappearing off for a few weeks every winter for some winter sun wakeboarding which has been really fun and allows us to travel to some awesome countries with incredible cables such as Thailand and the Phillipines.  I’m hoping to get back into the mountains this winter for some snowboarding and ski touring and get some more experience on sailing yachts as I’d love to get my day skipper license next year!

So apart from diving into SUP in 2019 do you have any other interesting projects we should know about?

Nothing in the pipe line yet, although I expect despite promising myself to never do another one I’ll find another ultra marathon on my calendar at some point next year. It’s definitely type 2 fun and I have an ability to forget the bad bits very very quickly!!

I’d love to do another ocean row so that is definitely on my radar for the future but I’ve promised my family I’ll stay close to land for a while!! I love spontaneous mini adventures so keep an eye out for those, there’s definitely some places in the UK I really want to get to and explore.

Needless to say we’re beyond stoked with our new acquisition and look forward to seeing and hearing more from Cazz as the 2019 season unfolds.

Cazz Lander Joins The Loco Race Team - If you’re a racer or water baby with a crossover background looking for a new challenge we’re still looking for male racers & groms to compete here in the UK and on the Euro Tour so feel free to get in touch.