Loco Blog

Loco windSUP
Loco windSUP - ‘It’s just windsurfing as it was in the 80s innit?’ And in some ways, this description of windSUP is nearly accurate. Floating about in non-planing conditions is just how the sport used to be back in the...
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SUP for Kids
SUP for Kids - Where would we be without the ‘yoof’ of today? New blood is the key to keeping everything fresh and moving forwards. We need kids to get involved and eventually step into our shoes, push the boundaries...
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Winter SUP sizzle at Loco Central
Winter SUP sizzle at Loco Central - New SUP container incoming! The first new shipment of Loco stand up paddle boards is about to drop! This will be a limited number including some brand new shapes/concepts.  Loco’s first iSUP and windSUP models...
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